A group of musicians dedicated to electronic musical freedom, under the guidance of visionary Los Angeles-based psych-maestro Cameron Stallones, aka Sun Araw. Stallones has been diligently active over the last decade, utilizing psychedelic pop as the foundation for creative expression, while also delving into electronic music, dub, ambient and more through a focused and personal visionary lens. Sun Araw’s recordings have found their home on labels such as Drag City, Not Not Fun, Woodsist, Thrill Jockey, and most recently his own Sun Ark imprint. Joined by Tomo Jacobson and Jon Leland, the Trio XIII is dedicated to improvisational exploration in the live setting, traveling the globe and sharing profound musical connections. Their latest recording ‘Activated Clown’ was recorded live in Braga, Portugal and presents some of their most intrepid, otherworldly improvisations to date.
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